Posts in Yoga
You are the lion!

So here’s some great news… You are not a donkey. You are not a beast of burden. You are not insignificant, small, not enough or incomplete. You are the Lion. You hum with the power of the universe. In essence you are free to roam this jungle we call life in a way that is unique to you. Does it take consistent practice and courage to do so? Absolutely.

Is it worth it? 100%.

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
The blessings of Kali Ma

I think it helps to remember that the universe is in a state of rapid evolution and because we are the universe we are being invited to evolve too. Any evolutionary push in nature is always preceded by some form of conflict. So if you’re in the, “Kali’s got me over a barrel” place then you’re not alone. The whole universe is with you, because you are the universe in living form. And no, that doesn’t make the pain any easier to sit with, but it does give that pain the sense of purpose that it justly deserves.

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
The wisdom of Betty Fergie (my Grandmother)

I’m devoting this blog to my beautiful grandmother, Betty Fergie, who passed this March. I was very close to Nan and she was undoubtedly my first spiritual teacher and directed me onto the path of the seeker from an early age. Nan would speak to me about all different avenues of religious and philosophical thought, without preaching one as superior to another. She taught me that service and compassion were of utmost importance when moving through the world, and that an open mind and heart were the tools required to make that happen.

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Battle of the Sexes - part two

Many years ago when I first stepped into the rooms of AA I would continually hear a teaching that resonated with me deeply… It’s your secrets that make you sick. This philosophy, and its invitation to uncover what simmers beneath, is particularly relevant to this topic. The oppression and abuse of women, and the denial of men’s feelings and expression through patriarchal constructs, aren’t exactly secrets. But if we avoid the uncomfortable conversations around these issues we will continue to support the ill health of our society.

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Battle of the Sexes - Part one

Through our practice we start to touch into this essence of who we are and slowly it starts to emanate through our individual selves. The ego doesn’t disappear but it shifts into becoming the faithful servant rather than the driving master in our lives. We start to move through the world seeing everyone and everything from that essence; which is pulsating, radiating, wisdom and love.

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
Path to the true Self - part three

Through our practice we start to touch into this essence of who we are and slowly it starts to emanate through our individual selves. The ego doesn’t disappear but it shifts into becoming the faithful servant rather than the driving master in our lives. We start to move through the world seeing everyone and everything from that essence; which is pulsating, radiating, wisdom and love.

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
Path to the true Self - part two

Through yoga and the cultivation of a strong buddhi, which can also be defined as inner wisdom, we can start to question what we think and why we think it. And whether that thought is even useful or just a big ol’ pain in the butt like a lot of thoughts are. Discernment allows us to get comfortable with sitting in the not-knowing and it takes us to a place of surrender and faith. It helps us lose our rigidity that continually hurts ourselves and others. Simply put, it brings us to yoga.

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
Path to the true Self - part one

A really simple and powerful truth that we can so easily forget is that our life is ours to design and create as we wish to. And here’s the real kicker. Without the pressure and expectation and stories around who we think we should be, or what we feel we have to be for others, there’s a huge universe of other possibilities waiting to be explored.

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The Era of Awakening

Together, as a collective tribe living on mother earth, the time is NOW to create a new paradigm. The work that needs to be done may sound challenging, but in essence we are removing the shackles that bind us, and that makes this a very exciting time to be alive!

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
Love is Love... the world is waking up.

Undoubtedly the most heroic thing we can do in our lifetime is wake up spiritually. That takes some serious courage and guts — to face the way that we bind ourselves to our own suffering, and to take action to free ourselves of this bondage. More challenging still; when we do that, we will start to live in dramatic opposition to the state of the world right now and what is perceived to be ‘normal’. Like I said, that takes guts.

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YogaAimee Pedersenyoga, love, grief
Rise as One

The balance of the feminine in our world will bring humanity to it’s fullest potential and create higher, more integrated levels of consciousness on our planet. No one would want a world without the feminine. That would mean no dancing, music, joy, love, radiance, gentleness, kindness, compassion, pleasure, intuition and HEALING.

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Dark Night of the Soul

At one time or another, most people go through a period of sadness, trial, loss, frustration, or failure that is so disturbing and long lasting that it can be called the dark night of the soul… Is it beautiful and sacred..? Maybe. Is it really, really challenging..? Probably. But if the dark night can help us really find our sense of humour, our grace, our patience, our self acceptance and our true selves… 

Is it a gift…? 

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Love and Other Good Stuff

And isn’t that all that we really want? At the end of our lives when we look back and reflect on our time here I doubt very much we’ll be thinking much on work achievements and money made. I think we will reflect about all the people who courageously held our heart. And how we courageously allowed ourselves to hold theirs.

Give me the work on the pain body any day…

Because I don’t want to miss out on that.

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